Return of Mortal Remains Insurance
Repatriation of remains coverage is an important benefit to have in a travel insurance plan, and it is often a required benefit. Many individuals might not quite understand what the term repatriation of remains means as it is not a term used in everyday conversation.
So what exactly does repatriation of remains mean to someone who is shopping for an international health insurance plan and why is it important?
Although no one likes to think of the worst possible scenario when planning a trip, it is often necessary to be prepared. In the event of an accident or even death, medical bills and other expenses should be the least of worries for the individuals involved.
What is Repatriation of Remains Coverage
Repatriation of remains is a benefit that provides coverage for the transportation of the covered individual’s bodily remains back to their area of principal residence, in the event of a covered illness or injury that results in death. Typically, repatriation benefits also include the following:
- Coordinating with local authorities on the post-mortem exam
- Removal and transportation of the body to medical facilities, coroner and airport
- A coffin or appropriate container for the transport of remains
- Coordination with government agents to arrange for services, authorizations, and approvals for transport
- Air and ground shipping expenses
How Much Does Repatriation of Remains Cost
The research will show that the costs vary dramatically from country to country and depending on the unique situation of each. The process is much easier in major cities while more difficult, and often costly if death occurs in a remote location.
You should expect costs to range between $10,000 and $20,000 with the understanding that it might be higher. Most insurance plans will cover that amount or more. Make sure you check that amount in your policy if it is a concern.
Although we do not sell Repatriation of Remains Insurance as a stand-alone product, you can purchase it as part of a more comprehensive travel medical plan. We would recommend the Atlas Travel Insurance plan for most of our clients.

Atlas Travel Insurance
- Emergency medical, evacuation, repatriation benefits
- Choose between the basic and more extensive coverage
- Meets Schengen visa insurance requirements
- 24/7 worldwide travel and emergency medical assistance
Why Buy Repatriation Insurance
- Repatriation is Expensive As discussed above, the costs can be high and are incurred at a time when it is least convenient.
- Coordination of Services Having an insurance plan that includes repatriation means that the insurer will help coordinate all aspects of the process. The insurance company not only works with all parties involved, but they usually have a case manager with expertise in handling the logistics to ensure that everything goes smoothly.
- Consideration of your Family There is nothing more heartbreaking than the loss of a loved one. This is not a time for those same individuals to be left with the challenge and expense of returning a body home for services. Planning is the best way to prevent this scenario.
For individuals who are traveling for a minimum of 5 days up to 1 year, the Atlas Travel Plan provides coverage for repatriation of remains along with its other benefits. This benefit will provide coverage up to the overall maximum limit of the plan.
Note: Some plans, including the Atlas plan, will cover the costs of local burial or cremation in lieu of repatriation up to the amount disclosed at the time of purchase.
Individuals who will need coverage for repatriation of remains for a longer period might be interested in exploring an International Health Insurance plan. Those with the platinum level Global Medical plan will have the return of mortal remains benefit along with many other benefits such as hospital room and board, out-patient care, maternity coverage, and emergency room illness and accident coverage. This benefit is up to $50,000 lifetime maximum per insured and is not subject to a deductible or coinsurance.
Best Travel Insurance with Repatriation Benefits

Atlas Travel Insurance
- Emergency medical, evacuation, repatriation benefits
- Choose between the basic and more extensive coverage
- Meets Schengen visa insurance requirements
- 24/7 worldwide travel and emergency medical assistance
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Author / Editor: Joe Cronin, Founder and President of International Citizens Insurance. Mr. Cronin, a former expat, is an authority in the areas of international travel, and global health, life, and travel insurance, with expertise in advising individuals and groups on benefits for today's global workforce. Follow him on LinkedIn or Twitter.